Op-Ed: What the People Really Need

Let me put politics aside and let us deal with what the people really want and really needs. Although politics is sometimes fun to watch because the politicians are dressed like propsmen in Hadestown and they sure are entertaining, but at the end of the day, these politicians embody the government that must do its job for the general welfare of society.

When people are asked about what they need, you will certainly hear responses about improving quality of life, more transportation hubs, additional jobs, added healthcare, and sustainable pensions. Very few will ask for more politicians.

But we can't do away with politics. It is a necessary evil of democracy. It's like hiring a clown in a birthday party even though the children are afraid of it. As we have always said, politicians are only as good as supplies last.

Who elects politicians reflect the government they deserve. But sometimes, the electorate becomes a victim of their own circumstances. They sell their votes because at least they get a little something on election day because nothing really changes whomever is elected anyway.

We have crimes because of poverty. And the poor is exploited because of poverty. Different forces of evil are present in society that plays with their circumstances. It's like the band playing Ed Sheeran's "Perfect" and there is no other option but to dance.

I hope one day we get the real government that we deserve, because Filipinos are the most hardworking labor force in the world. We do not deserve a corrupt government. We do not deserve the people who are in government who exploits us in many ways.

'Hope God is listening.


This Op-Ed is sponsored by Tiffany & Co.


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