War as a Matter of Policy

Studying history will necessarily involve the study of politics, and in the process study military science and tactics, motivation of different aggression, revolutions and the social psychology which defined a nation. When you look at the past, there are things that you personally regret, but probably someone else don't, but we all agree that the study of history is not really about national pride, but by learning the mistakes done in the past so as not to repeat it.

The United States is not by far a perfect nation. The expansion of its union westward involved a lot of war as a matter of policy. It claimed the many lands of Indian Americans, and it engaged into war with Mexico. History is replete with stories of how man searched for conflicting destinies.

But today, when we are at the time where everything has been explored and countries have marked their borders, war as an instrument of political tool has shifted from aggression to a policy of peace. The world is a place of conflicting interests that can be traced from history itself, and that necessitates the need for leadership.

World War II is an example of what should have been and a lot of regret. When war broke out in Europe, the United States took a neutral position, stating that it should not meddle with other countries' affairs. The world watched the horrors of Nazi Germany, where Jews are mercilessly being killed. For a while, the world was very silent with murders being committed.

The United Nations was formed as an aftermath of this World War, replacing the useless League of Nations. Under this new framework, the victors of the war (the allied powers consisting of the USA, UK, France, Russia, and China that became permanent members) have provided for a Security Council to address injustice at its roots before it becomes a war at large. In this case, war becomes an instrument of peace.

We can only hope that the atrocities of the past will never come back to haunt us and claim the lives of a lot of innocent people.


Picture from Pixabay.


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