Leadership in Disruption

The world is still struggling with the grasp of the fangs of the disease, and now disruption is very much certain. It has affected our daily routine in very big magnitude and economic results are projected to take the biggest hit. The goal of flattening the curve is taking its time with no clear of achievement and now the future is still uncertain.

Countries are trying their best to find solutions to economic woes. The United States have passed several measures to pump spending into the economy by passing a stimulus package, and funding for small businesses with bipartisan support in Congress. As disruption continues and the economy is crippled, these measures are important to prevent any possibility of negative growth and be plunged into a recession nobody wants.

Other countries are doing the same. In the Philippines, the island of Luzon has been placed in strict quarantine in the hope of flattening the curve. Communities were forced to confine citizens in their homes, except when they need to procure food or medicine, or going to the bank, in which case a quarantine pass is required. The roads are manned by police checkpoints, and commercial establishments are partially closed.

We have seen leaders react to disruption and their common resolve will be tested as coronavirus spreads like the bubonic plague. For a while, solutions seem to be working but some countries have been hit by backlash after drastic measures have been lifted. Singapore, for example, is reeling from this mistake.

President Trump has threatened to halt the United States' monetary contribution to the World Health Organization by the way it handled the coronavirus outbreak. In a way, this might hold water as we look back from the early days of the disease. There is no way imaginable to have this virus take a tour around the world. It is very unreal.

As leaders do their jobs in keeping everything under control, let us all hope that common resolve will curb spread of this impossible viral infection, lessen its impact in our communities by following health authorities, and praying for health workers and our common safety.


The Editorial is sponsored by Metrobank.


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