Vandalism and Monuments

How far can protests go? We believe we have to understand what is constitutionally protected speech to what can be considered as unlawful riots. These seemingly legal actions on redress of grievances come far behind from what is allowed, and it crosses the boundaries of orderly and peaceful assemblies.

It has become very passionate that people are now vandalizing monuments and toppling statues of people who have produced meaningful contributions to society and the country. We all honor the first amendment as exclusively ours and for the people, but such acts of exploit should not be considered on the precepts of a civilized society. We all have to act with dignity and respect, regardless of the circumstances.

Disorder and lawlessness only benefit those who want to destabilize peace and security. Those who propagate terror will be celebrating in the midst of all these vandalisms and destroyed monuments. Instead, we are the ones who are losing in the end.

A common enemy is apathy. But apart from apathy is rule of law. Then, there is also misconduct. Society is formed based on collective behavior. There are cops who crosses the line, and there are also protests that break the law.

In the end, the government has the obligation to honor civil rights. We may be far from achieving a perfect society that excludes racism, but at least we are striving to work to get there. LGBTQ+ has the same predicament. Society is still full of ill that has seemingly no cure.

We must fight for what we deserve, based on what is written in the letters of the law. Our government must protect us at all costs. This is our government, and it has the moral obligation to keep us safe. And if the government fails to do this sacred duty, then we have to raise our voices.


The Editorial is sponsored by Wendy's.


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