The World is a Stage

A lot has happened this year that affected most of us. The coronavirus for one has sent domino effect that came tumbling down on our lives, limiting our mobility, force us to wear face covering, give us anxiety, and steal our hard-earned cash to avail of these laboratory tests. This is happening like a well-orchestrated skit, and it is meant to be viewed. Life is a stage and we are the unwilling audiences.

The media is the conduit of this frivolous skit. Whether we like it or not, what is shown on television gives an impact on how we view the world; it is the mandatory tool to forming public opinion that we are unaware of what this will do to us. News stories evoke emotions, and emotions motivate people to do all sort of things. In a way, these platforms unconsciously manipulate the audience in supporting the propaganda hidden within political acts and policy decisions.

But, just like entertainment, everything is shown woth hidden motives to evoke the desired action. The media themselves are the slaves of the corporate world, no matter how hard they try to form a neutral journalism. Media companies are dependent on advertisements, and different biases are inherent in forming an opinion, and in a way it is something to be embraced with necessary caution. Not everything what is said is true.

Instead, we must look to journalism with the way it was intended: to be the guardian of the people. Siding with the public interest, and defending the general welfare in situations that warrant it must become the Bible of public service. The public has no interest in big companies, and as long as the news desires the protection of the public, viewers will clock in, and the advertisement revenues are to continue to grow.

The world is a stage, but the directors are hidden. The orchestrators are dressed like sheep, but they are same wolves who are coming, and they have no intention to save the sheep. They do not really care for us. It is only their own selfish personal propaganda that they have been advancing all the while. It has always been that way.


The Editorial is sponsored by Nintendo Switch.


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