What's Love Got to Do with It?

News after news, the coronavirus is continuing to claim lives. It is affecting everyday aspect of society, most recently the US elections as President Trump develops the symptoms of the dreaded disease. The vaccine promised is already on its way, and the world may finally return to its normal state once we can finally live with the reality of this viral threat.

The Pope has released an encyclical emphasizing fraternal relationships as a timely response on how this virus has affected our personal and intimate space by emposing necessary quarantine efforts and social distancing to curb the spread of the infection.

As the world struggle to contain a pandemic, several aspects of the human condition has greatly suffered. This is not the time to be selfish, to just think of ourselves and forget to do our responsibility by refusing to be a vessel that will transmit the deadly virus. Every argument heard about not wearing a mask is self-centered. There is a lack of empathy towards other people. And love has to be reminded for everyone just to err on the side of caution, forget about personal convenience, and think other people's condition for a while.

Fraternal love is wanting more than ever. Life is not just about us, and as we are social beings created with a rational mind, our responsibility is to cooperate with the health experts who has spent most of their lives practicing public health. This issue is not just about ourselves, but it is about caring for everyone.

As we rush to get through with the rest of the year 2020 and finally leave the disaster it has left us with, we must allow ourselves to reflect on an important message of living for others. It is not necessary to bear arms and fight evil with the point of a gun straight in the face to consider serving for the country. But just by being an abiding citizen can we do our share as heroic as fighting for what is wrong with the world. Otherwise, just as what Hollywood has envisioned as an apocalyptic end, might come true like a prophecy.

And that's what love has got to do with it.


Picture from Pixabay.


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