Column: What I am Thankful For This Year

The year 2020 will probably infamously remembered as a year of a pandamic that killed many people, divided the United States, closed down the economy, debated the efficacy of face coverings, and total community lockdowns. A lot has happened over the course of the year, and it seems that no one wants to go back to remember.

As a global citizen, we have seen how the coronavirus has shaped the way we live. Borders and airports have been closed, and our freedom of movement has been regulated so strictly that a constitutionality question has been raised. Is it even legal?

Of course, we have debated with this question for quite some time now that most of us agree to just err with caution and listen to the scientists as we try our hardest to contain the spread of the deadly virus.

As 2020 is preparing to leave to welcome a new year ahead of us, a lot of things will still shape our lives. Although there are reasons to loathe the previous year, the community lockdowns have brought so many things from work from home to appreciate it that it gave us more time to be with our families and loved ones, including our cute pets that demanded a lot of attention.

For this, I am very thankful. If our families are safe and healthy during this health crisis, it is a blessing to be thankful for. If we learn who our real friends are when we have lost our jobs due to the economic lockdown, it is a blessing to be thankful for. If we spent our whole day with our loved ones, it is a blessing to be thankful for. If our pets prevent us from being productive, then I guess that's a blessing to be thankful for, as well.

As the current year is expiring, may we remember how we have tried to survive in combating an invisible enemy. We will never know how strong we are unless we are extremely tested by unforeseen difficulties. Let us remember the people who have kept our societies functioning during this emergency. Maybe we have never appreciated what they do for us before, but now we do. We gained a new perspective in life, and by that reason alone, we have probably won, too.

Please cut that roasted turkey with joy, despite everything. We deserve to be joyful in the presence of our families and friends.

Happy Thanksgiving!


This Column is sponsored by Louis Vuitton.


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