The Year That Was

Today is the last day of the year 2020. A year that was full of challenges and tragedy, a year that will always be remembered by this generation where we can say that we have survived a pandemic that claimed lives, displaced most people, and saw borders closed down to the world.

Now, as we are rejoicing for the roll out of the vaccines in the hope of inoculating all of us, a new variant of coronavirus has been discovered. Hospitals in the UK has once again experienced a surge in Covid patients being admitted, and a lot of healthcare workers are calling for everybody to remain defensive and vigilant (anew) against the virus.

Again, we quickly realize that we are ending a year that could possibly become the worst year of our lives, and now it is not concluding without another blow. A new strain of virus could lessen the efficacy of the vaccines, and an end to this potent virus may not be in sight.

Yet, despite everything, here we are, ready to welcome a new year with optimism. While we are all anxious to the uncertainties of the new months to come, we are aware of the fact that our lives will unfold no matter what, and we will eventually find a way to survive through natural selection.

Indeed, the year that was may be full of dismay, but still we are alive. We have things to be grateful for. We have tried literally to survive in this perilous times, and somehow we all managed to do so. For now. Life may be unfair, but God is always good. Now, we will usher into a new year, ready to experience what life has in store for us, on to the next chapter of this exciting book we call life.

Some of us might be moving on to the year 2021 and may look back, because they have lost a loved one to Covid-19. A loss is always difficult, but God always comforts us in unexpected ways. As we leave a terrible year behind us, we always carry the imprint of our loved ones deep into our hearts. They are inside us, and they are part of us. 

May the year 2021 fill us with good tidings. Happy New Year! 


This opinion is sponsored by Subaru.


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