The Lens of Scrutiny

As the world prepares to leave the COVID-19 pandemic as it moves on with inoculated population and herd immunity, international affairs shift its focus on politics and balance of power. In the Middle East, Israel has ceased its airstrikes against Hamas-led Gaza Strip, and allowed humanitarian cargos to enter the besieged territory to deliver supplies and provisions to civilians caught in the crossfire.

The hostilities in Israel and Palestine reached its peak once again that was triggered by arbitrary actions on both sides. Israel claims Hamas launched rockets into their territory while Palestine was quickly angered by the eviction of Palestinians from East Jerusalem.

In China, the country's recent acts to enforce its territorial claims in the South China Sea has revived tensions in the region as ASEAN countries protest the presence of Chinese vessels in the contested sea waters. In one particular case, the Philippines had filed diplomatic protests after protests as it tries very hard to enforce its arbitral ruling from the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

China continues to expose the hypocritical West by denouncing its human rights protective policies with biased approach and selective attitude towards abuses that targets China in particular, and then ignoring what their allies are doing.

Iran, on the other hand, says that the nuclear talks after the Trump-era is making progress, although the Iranian Foreign Minister cancelled his trip in Austria after it raised an Israeli flag during the airstrikes and rocket attacks that were happening between Palestine and Israel at the height of the conflict.

Even after COVID-19, a lot of drama will replace the headlines while the press presumptively looks at all issues with the highest standards of journalism ethics, although former President Trump had offered a different view, while the Chinese media continues with their international propaganda aimed at making China look good. All of these, and more, as the press tries to preach fairness but report on the social inequalities that almost borders on sensationalism. 


Picture from Pexels.


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