
A lot of writing involves one single thing: it is in the conveyance of thoughts. Most of its substance is derived from the quality of its articulation where the thoughts are organized and enconded in a language appropriate for the target audience, for them to fully decode the message contained in its many paragraphs.

The quality of our thoughts, therefore, is important in a writing career, whether it is philosophical or intellectual or funny and sweet. Writing is an important vehicle of unsaid thoughts, and by being so, mostly it is decoded by the readers as something as relevant. The way it is exposed as a matter of life that affects human nature determines its merit, where love, passion, self-help makes its theme as a statement of purpose.

But writing is writing, and a good writing is a paramount concern. Hooking the reader and making them stay and want to read more is as important as to the message itself. Commercial fiction is designed as a form of entertainment, and the way writing is conveyed in this way necessitates the structure of the fiction written as entertaining and fun. Un-put-down-able, as some readers might give as a testimonial.

Although our thoughts are organized into themes that we might find encrusted into a story and its many, many episodes, we do not wish to sound very preachy. Theme is very important because it determines the quality of our thoughts, but we cannot force our thinking into the minds of the readers. And as a writer, we don't have to.

We can only help them think, and be awakened. Literature is not a certain form of expression which ultimately determines who was right or wrong. Clever writing or any form of writing dwells into one noble purpose: it is, by nature, awakens the soul. Literature is what creates that spark of magic in the hearts of those who have aroused their souls in response.

If readers were able to think for themselves, writing eventually wins. A noble purpose, a critical response, and important themes. These are the end result that we aspire towards the end of a good story. But nothing cannot be ascertained without a good hook, a thrilling story, likable characters, engaging story arc. In the end, we will come back to a great fiction that was written so well.

A good fiction or a cleverly written exposition, essays, memoirs, are the vehicles for a humble purpose. Without an effective vessel for these things to attach themselves, the writing simply loses its appeal. The base of an effective novel should be entertainment.


The opinion is sponsored by Tiffany & Co. Men's Ring.


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