How To View the World

All of us are always searching for something. Whether that would be a goal, a lifelong dream, a spouse in order to build a happy family, or a high paying job, most of us are trying so hard to fulfill most of these desires by ignoring the temporary moment in front of us in order to live in the future.

It is true that a person should pursue his long-term goals by giving it all he can and his solemn devotion, because it is better to have tried and failed, than not to have tried at all. Regret is an opportunity cost that results to a lot of emotions, and there is nothing worse than let time pass us by without giving something a shot.

However, the way we hustle so hard affects the present moment, and we may be in complete danger of living in a condition that has not yet been realized, completely forgetting that now is the moment that matters the most. The future will never arrive, because everyday we are living in the moment, and our obsession with our dreams create an illusion that we are already living in a future that we created with our fantasies.

Tomorrow is never promised, as most people say, which means that our time is always limited. It is not guaranteed that the way we plan our lives will be fully realizable, because the opportunity to do things that we've always wanted to experience requires the perfect timing, and while we are busy gazing at the horizon looking for the destination we have created in our head, our time on earth may have probably come to an end.

Death is like a thief in the night, because it strikes suddenly, especially when we are unprepared. While we are busy looking for a future that will never come, we miss the most important fact that the whole point of living is in the present moment. We cannot detach ourselves from the present circumstances while we are trying so hard to arrive at a future of our fantasies, because life is meant to be lived right here, right now.

Many people spend their whole life thinking that their dreams will make them happy. The natural tendency of men is to seek happiness, and this motivates us to work so hard in seeking its pursuit, but the truth of the matter is that if you are unhappy right now, the chances are you will not be happy when you reach your preconceived notion of success.

Happiness comes from relationships, not from dreams or aspirations. Honor students feel happy because their family is proud of them. Responsible parents who received a pay raise are happy because they will use the extra money to benefit their children. In all honesty, it is the selfish people who feel sad and empty because their relationships are always suffering.

It can be supposed that the way we view the world is insatiable, which is totally reflected on the way our goals and aspirations changes over time. When people receive additional remuneration, the natural propensity for a person is to raise his standard of living. His expenses are always competing with the increments to his income, and with this kind of setup, no amount of promotion at work would guarantee a certain degree of satisfaction.

To live in the future, and neglect our relationships and family is a futile effort. If someone wanted to be truly happy, he only need the company of those who love his person by making it beautiful to live in the present moment. Because often times, the happiness we are looking for at a distance is already here in this moment and we are simply ignoring it.


The opinion is sponsored by Adidas Originals.


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